Defining an event for the action sequence
Step by step
- Open your action sequence in the
Event workflow step.
In the Event drop-down list, select the event that is to trigger the action sequence (for example, ‘Hard bounce’).
Depending on the selected event, you can then specify in the List restriction section whether the event is to relate to all mailing lists or only to one in particular (for example, whether a hard bounce in general or only a hard bounce for a particular mailing list is to trigger the action sequence).
If the Click on a certain link event is selected, you can enable the Also perform action if recipient has not given permission for person-based tracking check box. This can be useful if, for example, you would like an unsubscription to be triggered when a particular link is clicked, but you do not wish to work with an unsubscribe link.
For all lists
For a particu
lar listClick on a certain link
The action sequence is started when:
- the recipient clicks a link coupled with the action sequence.
- an image coupled with the action sequence is loaded when the recipient opens the mailing.
Note: In addition, you must couple the link or image with the action sequence (Inserting a link or Inserting an image as a reference (linking an image)).
Receipt of a:
- Hard bounce
- Soft bounce
- Autoresponder bounce
- Unknown bounce
- Spam bounce
The action sequence is started when a bounce of the corresponding category is received in the
Inbox & bounces agent > Bounces tab.
Note: Further information on bounces can be found under Bounces and returns.
Receipt of a:
- Autoresponder
- Complaint
- Reply
- Spam
The action sequence is started when a return of the corresponding category is received in the
Inbox & bounces agent > Inbox tab.
Note: Further information on returns can be found under Bounces and returns.
Subscription of a recipient
The action sequence is started when a recipient subscribes to a particular mailing list. Only subscriptions that are carried out using the
Subscriptions agent are taken into account. This includes:
- Subscriptions via a subscription Web page that accesses the
Subscriptions agent (for example, subscription Web pages that were created with the JSP ‘Subscription’ template in Inxmail Professional, ‘Subscription’ Web page)
- Subscription via the old subscribe procedure by email (Mailing list subscription and unsubscription by email)
- Subscriptions via the ‘Subscribe recipient’ action (Adding actions to the action sequence)
Unsubscription of a recipient
The action sequence is started when a recipient unsubscribes from a particular mailing list. Only unsubscriptions that are carried out using the
Subscriptions agent are taken into account. This includes:
- Unsubscriptions via an unsubscription Web page that accesses the
Subscriptions agent (for example, unsubscription Web pages that were created with the JSP ‘Cancel subscription’ or ‘Confirm unsubscribe’ template in Inxmail Professional, ‘Cancel subscription’ Web page and ‘Confirm unsubscribe’ Web page)
- Unsubscription via the old unsubscribe procedure by email (Mailing list subscription and unsubscription by email)
- Unsubscriptions that are carried out via the ‘Unsubscribe recipient’ action (Adding actions to the action sequence)
Dispatch of a mass mailing
The action sequence is started when a mailing, split-test mailing or an email sequence mailing from a particular mailing list is sent (regular sending).
Note: This action slows down the sending speed.Dispatch of an individual mailing
The action sequence is started when the following mailings are sent during subscription to or unsubscription from a particular mailing list (based on your settings in the
Subscriptions agent):
- Subscribe mailings (welcome, timeout or confirmation mailings)
- Unsubscribe mailings (farewell, timeout or confirmation mailings)
- Last sent mailing of the mailing list
Note: This action slows down the sending speed.
Grant tracking permission
The action sequence is started when a recipient grants tracking permission; in other words, when:
- the recipient clicks a grant-tracking-permission link.
- tracking permission is granted via a dynamic Web page (for example, subscription Web pages that were created with the JSP ‘Subscription’ template in Inxmail Professional, ‘Subscription’ Web page).
- tracking permission is granted via a subscription page you yourself have created, see Connecting your own websites with Inxmail Professional.
Note: The granting of tracking permission via the Grant tracking permission or Import tracking permission action cannot be used as an event for an action sequence.
Special case for integrators For integrators, there is the Include tracking permission of deleted recipients advanced property. If you have enabled this property, the action sequence is also started when a deleted recipient grants a tracking permission.
Withdraw tracking permission
The action sequence is started when a recipient withdraws tracking permission; in other words, when:
- the recipient clicks a tracking permission withdrawal link.
- tracking permission is withdrawn via a dynamic Web page (for example, subscription Web pages that were created with the JSP ‘Subscription’ template in Inxmail Professional, ‘Subscription’ Web page).
- tracking permission is withdrawn via a subscription page you yourself have created, see Connecting your own websites with Inxmail Professional.
Note: The withdrawal of tracking permission via the Withdraw tracking permission or Import tracking permission action cannot be used as an event for an action sequence.
Special case for integrators For integrators, there is the Include Tracking Permission of deleted recipients advanced property. If you have enabled this property, the action sequence is also started when a deleted recipient withdraws a tracking permission.
- Save your entries.
You have defined an event that triggers the action sequence.
Now you must add actions to the action sequence; these actions will be triggered in succession through the event.