‘Cancel subscription’ Web page

If recipients wish to cancel their subscription, they usually use the unsubscribe link contained within the newsletter (every newsletter must contain an unsubscribe link). You can also give recipients the option to unsubscribe from your newsletter using the ‘Cancel subscription’ Web page.

Create a dynamic Web page 'Cancel subscripction' (JSP)

Usually the ‘Cancel subscription’ Web page is integrated into the website. If the recipient has subscribed to multiple newsletters, they can normally select whether to unsubscribe from all newsletters or only individual ones.

Detailed information

Detailed information on creating the ‘Cancel subscription’ Web page can be found in the section Creating a ‘Cancel subscription’ Web page.

Creating and using your own HTML forms

You can use software of your choice to also create subscription and unsubscription forms as HTML forms. This is an alternative to the method described in this section that involves creating subscription and unsubscription forms with dynamic Web pages. Detailed information can be found in the section Connecting your own websites with Inxmail Professional.