

Use coupons within your mailings to make your recipients happy - and to create incentives: You can use coupon codes to attract potential buyers - or to reactivate existing customers and bind them to your brand.

How does that work?

You can use the following templates for coupon campaigns:

  • Welcome mailing

  • Birthday mailing

  • Sales campaign

  • Customer loyalty campaign

  • Apology mailing

Select a campaign type as template and customize it to suit your needs – or create your own campaign directly without any pre-settings.

Upload your coupon codes while creating your campaign, in a .csv file that you have built according to our specifications. You can add more coupon codes later, or replace existing coupons - even in running campaigns. If you delete or deactivate a campaign, you can of course transfer your codes to another campaign so they don't get lost.

What settings do I have?

You have the following settings options in all campaigns:

  • Multiple mailings: Do you want to provide your recipients with fresh coupons only once or several times in a row? When is the earliest your recipients should be allowed to receive another coupon?

  • Expiration date: Do you want your campaign to run forever? Or do you want to limit it by setting an expiration date?

  • Notifications: Who should be notified once your coupons run out?

  • Fallback code: Optionally store a fallback code that will be sent once your coupons will be used up.

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