Delete coupon campaigns

Step by step

  1. Open the "Coupons" navigation item.

    Click "Delete campaign" for the campaign you wish to delete.

  2. Check out the "Summary" and "Recently used" tabs to see which mailings are using your campaign. This way you can make sure you don't delete a campaign that is still being used by important mailings.


    Recently used

  3. Click Next once you have checked everything.

  4. Decide what to do with the remaining coupons and, if necessary, transfer them to another campaign by using the "Transfer to active campaign" tab.

    Codes that you do not transfer will be deleted for good: If you want to keep your codes, you will have to transfer them to another campaign. Otherwise they will be deleted with your campaign. You will not be able to restore your codes or your campaign.

  5. Decide whether or not you want to replace codes that may already exist in the target campaign. Or if you want to add the new codes to the existing codes.

  6. Scroll down, enter the name of your campaign and confirm by clicking Delete.

  • You have deleted your coupon campaign for good. Your campaign including all your codes is not restorable.