Upload coupons

Step by step

  1. Coupon codes

    Set your coupon code preferences.

    You yourself are responsible for the validity of your coupons: You are responsible for making sure your coupons have sufficient validity left at the time of dispatch.

  2. Add coupon file

    Drag your coupon file to the drag & drop area:

    Wait for the coupon file to upload completely. You can close the overlay in the meantime (make sure to save your changes) and continue working on something else. The upload continues in the background. You can view the upload status any time by re-opening your campaign in the "Coupon codes" workflow step.

  3. Upload more coupon codes

    You can upload more coupon codes now or at a later time. You have two options:

    • You want to keep the existing codes ( Add codes)

    • You want to delete the existing codes and replace them with the new ones ( Replace codes)

    "Replace" deletes all uploaded, unused codes: Use the "Replace" function also if you've suffered problems with your file upload and you want to make sure that none of the existing codes are left.

    Upload history: You can view your upload history later in the "Upload history" tab in the Campaign status workflow step.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Notifications

    Send notifications

    Specify whether Inxmail should notify you by email:

    • when your campaign is about to be disabled or

    • once your coupon codes fall below a certain percentage.

    Fallback coupon code

    Store fallback codes that will be sent once all your coupon codes have been used up (optional).

    No dispatch if there are no coupon codes and no fallback code: Once all coupons in your campaign have been used up and no fallback coupon code has been stored, your mailing will not be sent.

  6. Click Save.

  • You have uploaded your coupon file and set your notifications.

Next step