Configuring settings

You can specify how the following elements are to be handled in the Settings main element:

  • Auto preview
  • Link type for browser link and tracking pixel
  • Favicon
  • Colours, fonts and icons

Auto preview

In some email clients, a text as well as the subject is displayed. Use the Auto preview text field to specify which text is to be displayed in addition to the email subject.

Dark mode features

Define as many CSS classes as you like, in which you determine how your mailing should be displayed in dark mode.

Note: Since there is no uniform functionality of the dark mode on different clients and devices and not all of them support manual corrections, a general functionality cannot be guaranteed.

Mobile CSS classes enhancement

The Mobile CSS classes enhancement element allows you to define your own CSS classes for mobile display. These classes can be used for graphics or your own HTML code, for example.

Define the behaviour in the Mobile CSS classes enhancement element. The entry must comply with the following schema: .className{Property:Value; Property2:Value;}

You can use your own CSS classes for mobile display, for example in the following elements:

  • Dialog Link image > Options

  • Dialog Edit link > Optional HTML parameters

  • Main element Optional HTML element

    Note: Use of the Mobile CSS classes enhancement element requires prior technical knowledge and is at your own risk. Improper use may affect the display of the entire mailing.

HTML head enhancement

The contents of the HTML head enhancement element are written directly to the HTML in the <head> tag.  This may be necessary to integrate the Gmail Promotions Tab, for example. Always declare content in this element in HTML tags, for example <style type=”text/css”CONTENT/style>.

Note: Use of the HTML head enhancement element requires prior technical knowledge and is at your own risk. Improper use may affect the display of the entire mailing.

Link type for browser link and tracking pixel

Note: Further settings for the browser link can be found in the header of the template.

The browser link and the tracking pixel are generated automatically for every mailing that is based on the Advanced Template. You can select between the following link types for the browser link and tracking pixel:

GDPR How you process personal data and whether your activities comply with the GDPR will depend on the interaction between link types, the Include consent for person-based tracking list-specific property and the value of the Tracking Permission column, see Effects of tracking permission and ‘Tracking permission’ property and GDPR Checklist.


You can store a favicon for your mailing’s browser view. Enter the full URL for your favicon into the text field (for example,

Colours, fonts and icons

  • Hide ‘»’ symbol in front of links

    By default, the ‘»’ symbol appears in front of further links. Select this check box in order to hide the symbol.

    Note: To hide the ‘»’ symbol in the table of contents, configure the same setting in the Table of contents main element under Colours and fonts.

  • Display multi-column articles side by side in the mobile version

    By default, multi-column articles are displayed beneath one another in the mobile version. Select this check box to override this default setting. Multi-column articles are then scaled and shown side by side.

The colours, fonts and icons of the Advanced Template are controlled globally via the Settings main element. Changes to the colour, font and icon settings will affect a number of elements of the newsletter.

  • Set colours

    You can adjust the colours for numerous elements. For example, you can adjust the background colour of the newsletter or the font colour of the text elements. Click Select colour to select the desired colour.

  • Set font

    You can set the font for some newsletter elements, for example, the text content of the introduction or article. Adjust the font size, style and colour. Either select the font you require either from the five fonts available, Or specify other system fonts using the User-defined font element.

    Note: Ensure that you specify a fallback font when using user-defined fonts, for example in the following form: Frutiger,Arial,sans-serif.

    Note: Indicate fonts, the names of which contain spaces, in single quotation marks, for example 'Palatino Linotype', 'Book Antiqua', Palatino, serif.

    Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) required: Note that you must set up CORS on your domain if you host images on your on servers.

  • Set icons

    You can use icons for lists or further links. Under Arrow icon in front of further links (linked) and Bullet icon for lists (linked), you can link image files, for example in the form of single angle quotation marksor bullet points.

  • Set buttons

    You can set the text button design for the mailing in the Button settings element.