Create guest users

What is a guest user? With the "Create guest user" feature, you can grant temporary access for your space to your agencies or partners. You decide yourself, which rights your guest account includes. All roles in your account are available to you.

Step by step

  1. Open the "Guest Users" tab in the "Users" navigation item.

  2. Click New guest user.

    The "Create guest user" dialog is displayed.

  3. Enter the email address of your guest user.

    Who qualifies as guest user? You can invite users from other Inxmail New Xperience accounts who are not users in the current account. Guest users can be e.g. agencies or partner companies who want to work in your space.

  4. Assign rights to your users.

    What happens if I do not assign the user any rights/roles? Users who are not assigned a role cannot work in Inxmail New Xperience. Their login will fail. In order for your users to work, you need to assign rights to them.

  5. Click Create.
  • You have created a guest user.