Subscription campaigns
What are subscription campaigns?
A subscription campaign is a type of campaign that allows you to manage recipients across multiple email campaigns. A subscription campaign is the parent campaign. You can assign any number of email campaigns to it. Mailings are created and dispatched in the child email campaign as they normally would be.
You can view the email campaigns that are assigned to subscription campaigns in the "Parent Campaign" column in the campaign overview.
Alternatively, you can see which email campaigns are affiliated with your current subscription campaign in the detailed view for your subscription campaign in the "Campaign hierarchy" section.
Targeted unsubscriptions within the context of subscription campaigns
When it comes to working with or without subscription campaign, the main difference is how unsubscriptions are handled.
Without subscription campaign = "global unsubscription": If this is set, the "No emails" check box is ticked in the contact or lead settings when a contact or lead unsubscribes. This means that the contact or lead will generally no longer be contacted, regardless of the campaign.
With subscription campaign = "selective unsubscription": If you are using subscription campaigns, the "Opt-out" status only applies to the current subscription campaign and all child email campaigns. The contact will no longer be contacted when future mailings that are linked to the current subscription campaign are sent out. The contact may continue to receive dispatches from other campaigns.
If you are using subscription campaigns, you can unsubscribe your contacts from certain email campaigns, while your contacts are still contacted as part of other email campaigns.
Disable global email opt-out: Deactivate global opt-out in Inxmail Connector if you are using subscription campaigns. This is the only way to selectively unsubscribe leads or contacts at a campaign level.
Interaction of subscription campaign and an email campaign