Edit list settings
Step by step
Click the pencil icon for a list in the "Lists" navigation item.
Adjust your list settings.
Basic settingsField
Name Enter a name for your mailing list.
Tip: You can use a list to address specific customer segments, countries or product lines, for example.
Description Enter an internal description of your mailing list.
Tip: You can, for example, enter details of the recipients included. Or you can describe which types of newsletter campaigns you would like to carry out, based on this list.
Sending address Enter the email address you want to use as the sending address for your list.
For best deliverability: Make sure that you have authenticated the domain of your sending address XPRO's Brand Identity Protectionin agent.
Sender name Enter a sender name. Reply address Enter an email address. We usually recommend using the same address as the sending address.
Reply-to name Enter a reply-to name. More settingsFor the next settings, you have two options:
Define custom list settings
Apply global settings: Check the grayed-out values to see which global settings apply.
Limit sending rate You can limit / throttle the sending rate per mailing so that fewer emails will be sent out per hour. This prevents a system overload when you are dealing with large amounts of data.
Example: Limit the sending rate if you have a large number of recipients and do not want all recipients to access your store system at the same time, right after receiving your email.
You can limit the shipping rate in increments of 3,600, e.g:
3,600 emails per hour (= 1 email per second)
7,200 emails per hour
10,800 emails per hour
Regional formatting Specify the country-specific format in which you want to display numbers and dates in your mailing.
If you do not specify a country, the country setting of XPRO will automatically be used.
Example: You can see different country-specific formatting for a sample number and date here.
Germany: 1,020.30 / 15.02.2027
Switzerland: 1'020.30 / 15.02.2027
USA: 1,020.30 / Feb 15, 2027
England: 1,020.30 / 15-Feb-2027
France: 1 020,30/15 févr. 2027
Thousands separator Select "Use" if you want to indicate increments of 1000 in your mailing with a separator (e.g. "1,000,000").
You can define the type of 1000s separator with the regional formatting above.
Number of decimal places Specify with how many decimal places you want to use for decimal numbers in your mailing (e.g. for recipient attributes). Character set encoding Specify the character set encoding for your mailing.
Recommendation: We recommend that you use UTF-8 character set encoding. This encoding supports the most commonly used characters as well as special characters. UTF-8 is also the default setting if you do not define anything.
Make sure that your selected character set encoding displays all characters in your mailing correctly.
Symbols: If you want to use symbols in your mailing or subject, you must use UTF-8.
You can edit more list settings in Inxmail Professional.
- You have changed your list settings.
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