Edit workflows

Step by step

  1. Open the "Workflows" navigation item.

  2. Click the Edit button for the workflow you want to edit:

  3. What do I need for a workflow to work?

    Your workflow must contain at least these nodes:

    You can optionally add more elements:

    You are free to combine your workflow elements - but your overall workflow must remain logical and sensible.

    Just give it a try: Create a workflow to your liking and check the error center if you have any doubts. There you will get hints on how to improve your workflow.

  4. Move or delete elements

    Move: Move workflow elements by dragging and dropping them to one of the turquoise connection points in your workflow.

    Delete: Select a workflow element and delete it by clicking the icon.

    When moving or deleting elements, a dialog will appear that asks you what it is you want to move (or delete):

    • The current node


    • The current branch

  5. Do I need to save my changes? your changes!

    No, you do not need to save your changes. All changes will be automatically saved for you.

  • You have edited your workflow.

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