Creating a three or multi-column article
Step by step
To create a three or multi-column article, proceed as follows:
Open the Article (three-column) or Article (multi-column) main element in the Template Editor.
Note: The Article (three-column) element is displayed by default with the following elements: Left Article, Middle Article, Right Article.
- You can optionally enter an internal name for the element in the Name field. The chosen name is displayed directly beneath the template element in the structure tree of the Template Editor. It allows you to quickly locate the contents of the newsletter in the structure tree. The name is not visible in the newsletter.
- Select the Hide on mobile devices check box if the three-column article should not be displayed on mobile devices.
Then click
Add element.
The Add new element dialog box is displayed.
Dialog for “Article (three-column)”
Dialog for “Article (multi-column)”
Field descriptions for ‘Add new element’ dialog box
Distance to next element
Select the individual distance to the next element level.
Note: If you do not select a distance, the preset distance from the Settings main element is used.
Standard article
For multi-column articles only: Add another sub-article to your multi-column article.
(For three-column articles, the Left article, Middle article, and Right article are inserted automatically).
Article distances
Define the page margins (left and right) and the column spacing.
Background color
Here you can change the background color of the three-column article. To do this, click the
Select color button.
Note: If you do not select a color, the preset background colors from the main element Settings > Colors, fonts, and icons are applied.
Display multi-column articles side by side in the mobile version
By default, the single articles are displayed beneath one another on mobile devices. Select the Display multi-column articles side by side in the mobile version check box if you want to display the articles side by side. See: Mobile behavior of individual main elements > Article (two-column), Article (three-column), Article (multi-column).
Mobile – Scale articles evenly
Only for multi-column articles: If you use the “Article (multi-column)” element, you can also control the mobile article flow using these settings.
“Incomplete row” means that articles may remain that no longer make a complete row, depending on the number of articles and the article width in the mobile view:
Tip: The quickest way to see what the different mobile display options look like is to simply try out the check boxes in the mobile preview to see what they do.
Mobile – Scale incomplete row to full width (only with even scaling)
Mobile – Display incomplete row first
Mobile – Number of items next to each other (max. 5)
Mobile – Vertical distance between articles
Target group
Select a target group if the three-column article should be displayed only to particular recipients.
- Select the elements from the Element drop-down list if required.
- Confirm the dialog box by clicking Add + Close.
- Then set up the Left Article, Middle Article, Right Article or Article 1 to Article X elements.
To do this, click
Add element after each element.
The Add new element dialog box is displayed.
Field descriptions for ‘Add new element’ dialog box
Enter an article headline in the Headline field.
Note: If you do not want the headline to be displayed in the table of contents, you can add the Short headline element. The element replaces the headline in the table of contents if the field remains empty.
Link an image, for example, an image of the offered product. You can also couple the image with a link.
Add a text to the article.
Article width (px)
For multi-column articles only: Enter the width for the current article in pixels.
(The width is scaled automatically for three-column articles.)
Article colours
Select a background colour for the article and the headline. In addition, enable the Content padding check box if space is to be inserted between the article content and the article’s colour border. Add the Padding (in px) element to specify exact values for the padding.
Note: If you use very long words in your mailings, you might need more space than is available. In this case, the Advanced Template ignores the padding. Wrap very long words manually in order to restore the padding.
Fonts for article
In the Fonts for article element, you can select the font formatting options such as the font colour and alignment for headlines and subheadlines, prices, article text and any further links.
Note: You do not align the Price element in the Fonts for article element. Instead, you do this directly within the Price element.
Add a numbered list or a list with bullet points.
Add a text button to the article. You can use the Button settings subelement to define the height, width, colour and font, among other settings. See: Configuring settings.
Button as an image
Add a button that directs the user to the offered product or the article. Link an image for this purpose and couple the image with a link.
Short headline
A short headline replaces the headline entry in the table of contents. If neither the headline nor the short headline should be visible in the table of contents, leave the ‘Short headline’ field empty.
Mobile - Allow line break within a word
Select this checkbox to break words at any character in the mobile view. This way you prevent very long words from compromising your layout in mobile view.
Corresponds to the CSS property: word-break: break-all;
Enter all the price information for your offered product.
Here you can position the price in the article. Select between left-aligned, right-aligned or centred.
Enter the price of the offered product. You can also specify Text in front of the price or Price information (for example, Only 3 still available).
‘Was’ price
Specify a ‘was’ price if applicable. By default, the ‘was’ price is formatted with the strikethrough font style. You can also specify a Text in front of the ‘was’ price.
Sharing links
Enable the ‘Sharing links’ check box. All created sharing elements are added beneath the article.
Add further links to the article, for example, a link to the company web page.
Enter a subheadline in the Subheadline field.
- Select the desired element.
- Confirm the dialog box by clicking Add + Close.
- Save your entries.
- You have set up a three-column article with the desired elements.
Fill the elements with contents.
Note: Avoid manual HTML formatting for content elements, for example, for a Text element. The optimum client display can enable rendering on different devices, and content may be displayed incorrectly.