Specifying options (HTML parameters) for an image (optional)
Step by step
Open the Options dialog box as follows:
- Open the mailing in the
Editing workflow step.
- To open the Link image dialog box for an image inserted as a reference or the Embedding an image dialog box for an image embedded directly, click the Inxmail Professional code for the image. Then click the
(Edit selection) button.
Click the Options button in the dialog box.
A further dialog box appears.
- To add a border to an image, select the Optional HTML parameters check box in the dialog box and then specify the appropriate HTML parameters (for example, border="0" style="border:5px solid #ff3300").
To change the displayed size of the image, select the Scale image format check box and then specify the size (for example, width="200" height="200").
button allows you to keep the proportions of the image (that is, keep the ratio of width and height the same to prevent distortion).
The image is scaled only for the mailing. The original image remains unchanged.
- Confirm your entries by clicking OK.
- To apply the settings for the image, confirm the Link image or Embedding an image dialog box by clicking OK.
- The Inxmail Professional code for the inserted link appears in your mailing.
- Save your entries.
- You have specified options for an image. The quick preview (
(Show/hide quick preview) button) shows you the image.
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