Add members

Add your campaign members. Members are your contacts, leads, or recipients. In other words, they are the people in your mailing list.

We'll now show you how to do this by selecting "Reports" in the menu. Please refer to the article Add Members to Campaign in the Salesforce online help for other methods you can use to add members.

Step by step

  1. Select a report under "Reports" in the menu.

  2. Click the arrow next to "Edit" and click "Add to campaign."

  3. Select your campaign and choose whether you want to keep or overwrite existing campaign members.

    Member status: The status for newly added campaign members is set by default to "New." If you want to change the status, you can choose a different one in the drop-down menu.

    Have you chosen a status? Click "Send."

  4. Click "Save."

  • You have added your campaign members.

Next step