Click map

Go to the “Click map” navigation item in order to see which links in your mailing have been clicked most frequently.

Step by step

  1. Open the "Click map" navigation item.

  2. Select a list and a mailing whose performance you would like to view. You will see the following key figures in the table:

    Key figure


    Click rate (CTOR)

    Ratio between the number of unique clicks and the number of mailings opened

    Unique clicks

    Number of recipients who have clicked the tracked link at least once

    All clicks

    Total number of clicks of the tracked link, including multiple clicks


    Direction to where your link points, e.g., e.g. https://www.

    Link type

    • Text link

    • Image link

    • Button link

    You can sort the table by any key figure, by link or by link type.

  3. Click a table row to highlight the link in the click map and see more details.

  • You have opened and viewed the click map for a mailing.