Combine multiple target groups in one target group container, and apply including or excluding conditions. This way you can tailor your content even more precisely to your recipients.
The target groups for your mailing are provided by XPRO, as usual.
What target group conditions are available?
Similar to the target groups in Inxmail Professional, you can use the following target group conditions:
belongs to each of these target groups
belongs to at least one target group
does not belong to any of these target groups
What are some practical examples of how to combine target groups?
Practically, your possibilities for combining target groups are unlimited. Here are a few examples to give you a better idea of what you can do with target groups:
Example "Travel": Give tailored travel tips for overlapping target groups, e.g. belongs to each of the target groups "Interested in Spain" AND "Age: 20-30 years".
Example "Fashion": Display certain containers with gender-specific fashion tips for recipients who belong to at least one of the following target groups: "male" OR "diverse" or "female" OR "diverse", respectively.
Example "Sales": Display certain containers only for VIP customers or for new customers, i.e. not for the target groups "Existing customer" or "Regular customer".
To find out just how it works, check out the video we've prepared for you or read more in the article Use target groups.
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