Configuring web tracking

What is web tracking? By using web tracking parameters, you create a link between your newsletter clicks and the clicks on your website. Your analytics tool (e.g. Google Analytics or Econda) recognizes your newsletter as the "source" of website visits. With additional parameters you can give the analytics tool of your website even more information.

Step by step

  1. Open your mailing.

  2. In the mailing settings, click "Configure web tracking" at the very bottom.

  3. Activate the switch "Web tracking enabled".

  4. Enter your preferred web tracking parameters.

    Alternative 1: Use standard sets

    The easiest way to do this is to load a set of predefined default parameters using the drop-down list in the upper right corner.

    Select your preferred parameter set from the drop-down list and click Add.

    The following sets are available:

    • Google Analytics

    • Econda Standard

    • Econda Websale

    Alternativ 2: Add manually

    You can also enter your own parameters.

    • Make sure that you also enter the tracking parameters in the analytics tool of your website so that the parameters can be read. Apart from that, you're free as far as naming goes.

    • You can use commands and column values from Inxmail Professional as parameter values. Take a look at the standard sets as examples, see Alternative 1: Use standard sets.

    • Column values are entered [%=Column("email")].

      Note for XPRO users: The simplified notation from Inxmail Professional (without %) is not possible in Inxmail New Xperience. Sometimes there are problems with the short notation [%=email]. Therefore we recommend you to use the long notation [%=Column("email")].

    • ยง DSGVO You yourself are responsible for ensuring that you do not pass on any personal data to your analytics tool without the consent of your recipients.

    Scripts are not allowed: Scripts and tags (<>) are not allowed for security reasons and will not be executed.

  5. Check out what a sample link looks like including tracking parameters.

  6. Happy with the results? Then click Save.

  • You have enabled and configured web tracking for your mailing.

What are the implications?

The web tracking parameters will be added to all links.

If you have already synchronised your mailing with Inxmail Professional, you will see the paths including tracking parameters in the mailing preview.

Do not be surprised : XPRO Commands are not resolved until after dispatch.