Create target groups

Step by step

  1. Open the "Target groups" navigation item.

  2. Click on New target group.

  3. Enter one or more target group conditions. The target group conditions refer to your column values in Inxmail Professional.

  4. "Birthday" target group

    Use the "contains anniversary (day / month)" operator if you want to commemorate a birthday or other annually recurring event.

  5. Click Create.

    Your target group will be displayed on the overview page. You can now use it in your workflow.

  • You have created a new target group.

Work in progress: Some functions for target groups are currently not yet available in XNEW.

  • For example, you can currently only delete target groups in XPRO.

  • Also, if you want to edit target groups retrospectively, you currently still have to use a workaround in XNEW: You cannot edit target groups directly, so you'll have to duplicate them and only then can you edit the duplicated target group. Then you'll have to set up the duplicated target group in your workflows once again.

We will tackle these issues soon, so you will soon be able to operate more easily.

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