Save workflows as template

Save your workflow as template if you want to use it as a basis for future workflows.

You can also create it from scratch: You can create a workflow template from an existing workflow as described here. Or you can create it from scratch in the Workflow templates tab.

Step by step

  1. Open the "Workflows" navigation item.

  2. Select the approved workflow.

    Only approved workflows can be saved as templates: If there is an approved version and a draft version of your workflow, the approved workflow will be used for your workflow template.

  3. Click the "Create template" icon.

  4. Enter a name for your workflow template.

    If you do not enter anything, your workflow name will be used.

  5. Click Save.

  • You have saved a workflow as template.

In the "Workflow templates" tab you can edit, copy and delete your templates.

Next step