Performing a split test

Step by step

To create an A/B split test, proceed as follows:

  1. In the selection bar, click the event for which you would like to create an A/B split test.

    The currently active workflow of the event is displayed.

  2. Click Edit workflow.

    You will be directed to the workflow editor.

  3. Click the connecting arrow at the place where you would like to create an A/B split test.

    The Add item dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select the Perform A/B test workflow element.

    The Perform A/B test dialog box is displayed.

    50:50 split Note that when you create an A/B split test, only one split (50:50) is possible. This means that half of the recipients will be sent version 1 (group A) by Inxmail Commerce while the other half will be sent version 2 (group B). The recipients are randomly assigned to the two versions.

  5. Click Apply.

    You return to the workflow editor.

  6. Click the connecting arrow beneath the left branch of the Perform A/B test workflow element.

    The Add item dialog box is displayed.

  7. Select the Send mailing element type.

    The Send mailing dialog box is displayed.

  8. Select the desired mailing.
  9. Select the desired mailing for the right branch of the Perform A/B test workflow element in the same way.
  10. Click Activate.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  11. Click Activate now.

    (You can also activate the workflow at a scheduled time. See section Activating the workflow

    You return to the Workflow tab.

  • You have now created an A/B split test.

Using the winning version

The procedure for including the winning version in the workflow differs according to whether version 1 (group A) or version 2 (group B) has won.

Version 1 (group A) Delete the Perform A/B testcontrol element. Inxmail Commerce includes all elements from group A in the workflow.

Version 2 (group B) Make a note of the elements from group B. Delete the Perform A/B test control element. Replace the elements from group A with the elements from group B.

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