Interaction of HTML subscription and unsubscription forms and Subscription Servlet.
You can use the functionality of the Subscription Servlet by calling the Subscription Servlet via your HTML subscription or unsubscription form.
To do this, you must integrate the URL to the Subscription Servlet in the HTML code of the HTML form. The URL to the Subscription Servlet is structured as follows.
Subscription Servlet Version 3: "[client name]/subscription/servletv3".
Subscription Servlet Version 2: "[clientname]/subscription/servletv2"
Subscription Servlet Version 1: "[clientname]/subscription/servlet"
The URL to the Subscription Servlet includes the name of your client. This ensures that the subscriptions and unsubscriptions take place on your Inxmail Professional client.
Subscription Servlet Version 3, Version 2 and Version 1
As of Inxmail Professional 4.8.47, there is a third version of the Subscription Servlet. You can create your HTML subscription and unsubscription forms in three variants:
With Friendly Captcha (= Subscription Servlet Version 3)
With Google reCAPTCHA (= Subscription Servlet Version 2)
Without Captcha (= Subscription Servlet Version 1)
Servlet version without Captcha is deprecated: If you purchase Inxmail Professional in September 2019 or later, only version 3 and 2 of the Subscription Servlet will be available. Your HTML subscription /unsubscription forms will then automatically include one of the two captcha functionalities.
Related topics
Detailed information on integrating the Subscription Servlet in HTML forms can be found in the following sections: