Creating a new email sequence mailing
Step by step
To open the Create new mailing dialog box, click the tab of the mailing list >
Email sequence agent > Emails tab and then click the
(Create new mailing) button.
A dialog box appears.
- Enter the following in the dialog box (Creating a new mailing):
- Enter a name for the email sequence mailing.
Select a format for the email sequence mailing.
Note: If the format is already preselected and the respective fields in the dialog box are greyed out, this means that the format for all mailings of this mailing list is preset.
- Select whether you wish to use a template to create the email sequence mailing.
- Confirm your entries by clicking OK.
The email sequence mailing opens in a new tab for editing.
At the same time, the email sequence mailing is added to the table in the
Email sequence agent > Emails tab.
- You have created a new email sequence mailing.