Configuring the list-unsubscribe header unsubscription

Step by step

To configure the list-unsubscribe unsubscription, proceed as follows:

  1. To configure the list-unsubscribe unsubscription globally, click (Properties) on the (Global settings) tab.

    To configure the list-unsubscribe unsubscription for a particular standard mailing list, click (Properties) on the standard mailing list tab.

  2. In Advanced properties, click the Unsubscription via list-unsubscribe property.

    The button is displayed at the end of the line.

  3. Click thebutton.

    The system displays the Configure list-unsubscribe unsubscription dialog box.

    Field descriptions for the ‘Configure list-unsubscribe unsubscription’ dialog box



    Apply global settings

    When editing the properties in a mailing list, you can specify whether the system settings (that is, approval settings on the (Global settings) tab) should be applied or not. Deactivate the check box to change the approval settings for the current mailing list.

    Enter list-unsubscribe unsubscription in this system

    Select this option if you carry out unsubscriptions for your recipients in Inxmail Professional. Inxmail Professional then automatically inserts the details required for the list-unsubscribe header in the email header.

    Enter list-unsubscribe unsubscription in a third-party system

    Select this option if you are performing unsubscriptions for your recipients in a third party or external system, not in Inxmail Professional. An external system could be a Customer Relationship Management system, for example. In this case, it may be necessary to manually overwrite the list-unsubscribe header set automatically by Inxmail Professional.

    • URL for list-unsubscribe unsubscription: Enter a valid unsubscribe URL for your mailings here. The URL is usually generated dynamically. Among other things, it must contain the recipient's email address and the name of the mailing list from which the newsletter recipient in unsubscribing. You can use Inxmail Professional commands to determine the email address and the name of the mailing list.


      More information about the URL and the Inxmail Professional commands can be found in the sections Structure of the list-unsubscribe header and Inxmail Professional commands.

      The CSA ( ) has stipulated that email providers and email marketing providers should implement the one-click list-unsubscribe procedure in their email applications from 1 July 2019. The unsubscribe is done via a POST request to the unsubscribe URL. This is signalled to the email applications by the list-unsubscribe POST entry in the email header. As of 1 July 2019, the list-unsubscribe post entry is generally integrated in email headers sent from Inxmail Professional standard lists. This means that if you handle list-unsubscribe unsubscriptions in a third-party system or external system, the respective system must be able to process the POST requests to the URL of a newsletter that are submitted by the email application.

    • Email address for list-unsubscribe unsubscription: Enter the email address in the following format:

    For detailed information on the data to be entered here or on manual overwriting of the list-unsubscribe headers set automatically by Inxmail Professional, see the section Manually overwrite the list-unsubscribe header.

    No unsubscription via list-unsubscribe; instead, provide information on the unsubscribe option via the list-help link

    You can use a website to provide newsletter recipients with information about the unsubscribe option. This involves adding to the source code a list-help link URL, which is not visible in the mailing itself. The link must link to a landing page that explains to the recipient how they can unsubscribe from receiving further mailings or why this is not possible for legal reasons.

    Unsubscription via list-unsubscribe is not possible in this case.

    It is envisaged that inserting a list-help link is only to be used in exceptional situations, in which special circumstances mean that unsubscription from a mailing cannot be undertaken by means of an unsubscribe link or via a list-unsubscribe header.

    Note: This option is only active when the Allow list-help link administrative property is activated in the Global properties section under Administration > Properties.

    Important: Inxmail GmbH is a member of the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) ( ). CSA stipulates that mailings should include an unsubscribe link and a list-unsubscribe header or a list-help header. If your mailing does not contain an unsubscribe link, list-unsubscribe header or list-help header, Inxmail will automatically set a list-help header.

    No unsubscription via list-unsubscribe

    This checkbox can only be activated for licence customers.

    Select this option if no list-unsubscribe header is to be included in your mailings,

    Important: Inxmail GmbH is a member of the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) ( ). CSA stipulates that mailings should include an unsubscribe link and a list-unsubscribe header or a list-help header. If your mailing does not contain an unsubscribe link, list-unsubscribe header or list-help header, Inxmail will automatically set a list-help header.

  4. Specify your settings in the fields.
  5. Confirm the dialog box by clicking OK.
  • You have configured the list-unsubscribe header.