Importing recipients (from an import source)
General information
- You can subscribe recipients to a mailing list by importing recipients via an import file with the recipient data to the Subscribed tab of the affected mailing list.
- You can also use the import function to unsubscribe recipients from the current mailing list. To do this, import to the Unsubscribed tab of the mailing list from which you wish to unsubscribe the recipients.
You can open the import dialog at the following places in the program:
- In the Cockpit
- In the global recipient table (
(Global settings) tab >
All recipients agent)
- In the recipient table of a standard mailing list (
Recipients agent)
All recipient data is saved in the global recipient table. At the same time, the recipient data is also displayed in the recipient table of the mailing list to which the recipients have been imported.
Note: Importing to the Unsubscribed tab is only possible within a mailing list. When you open the import dialog from the Cockpit or the global recipient table, data is automatically imported to the Subscribed tab.
- To be able to make full use of the import function, you will need the relevant Inxmail Professional rights. If necessary, consult your Inxmail Professional administrator.
- You can import recipient data from the following sources to Inxmail Professional:
- Microsoft Excel files (in the formats *.xls, *.xlsx)
- Other files (in the formats *.txt, *.csv, *.tab)
- Relational databases (via JDBC)
In the case of very large files (several MBs), we recommend importing *.csv files.
- You can, for example, transfer Microsoft Outlook address data to Inxmail Professional by exporting this data from Microsoft Outlook as a text file.
- The import of recipient data is not possible in dynamic mailings lists (Overview: Mailing lists).
- Inxmail Professional also allows automatic import of recipients. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the section Import automation.
The recipient import process comprises four or five steps:
- Select the data source that contains the recipient data.
- Enter information on the structure of the source file.
- Specify import rules for the Tracking permission column. (Only when importing data directly to a list. This step is omitted if you are importing the recipients at global level without reference to a list.)
- Select and assign columns.
- Specify import rules for all other columns and specify special settings.
Each step is described in detail below.
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