Store subdomain in the list properties

You need to adjust the properties of your mailing lists in Inxmail Professional , so your emails will be sent using the subdomain stored in the Sending domains agent . You need to adjust the list properties in each list if you want the settings from the Sending domains agent to be active for all lists.

Sender address and reply address

Sender address: Change the sender address in the properties of your mailing lists in Inxmail Professional. The new sender address must be based on the subdomain that you have stored in the Sending domains agent.

Reply address: We recommend using the same email address for both the sender address and the reply address. It is also possible to use a different reply address, if you prefer. Email service providers still do not take the reply address into account with regard to deliverability.

Mailing links

The mailing links also need to be based on your authenticated subdomain in order to achieve full domain alignment. This means:

  • URL for linking web pages
  • URL for tracking links

You do not need to do anything if you have only stored one subdomain in the Sending domains agent. Inxmail sets up the mailing links for you centrally and for all lists. This setting also applies to future lists that you create.

Important: Before your first live dispatch, use a test mailing to check whether the domain is parsed correctly and that tracking links and linking web pages are working.

Activating the link tracking domain can take up to 3 business days. If you have any questions, contact your Inxmail contact person or .

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