Perform spam test
Use the spam test to find out if your mailing meets typical spam criteria and is in danger of ending up in your recipient's spam folder.
"Spam Assassin" is the default spam filter. If you would like to have more testing options, you can additionally order the following spam filters:
Symantec Cloud
How can I add spam filters? Contact your Inxmail contact person or for more information.
Step by step
Sync your mailing.
Open your mailing in the "Tests" tab.
Click on "Start test" in the "Spam test" tile to directly start tests across all spam filters.
Can I select a specific spam filter? If you have several spam filters to choose from (e.g. "Outlook", "Barracuda" or "Symantec.Cloud"), we recommend that you select a specific spam filter in order not to exceed your limit.
Click "Spam Test" on the left and then "Start Test" to select specific spam filters.
Keep an eye on your credits so you know how many spam tests you have left.
Your available tests are coming to an end? Contact your Inxmail representative or to get more tests.
You have performed a spam test for your mailing.