Store BIMI-Logo (Scenario 3)

Store your BIMI logo for brand message identification to also visually stand out as a trusted sender in the email inbox of your recipients.

Step by step

  1. Open the feature Brand Identity Protection.

    The overview of your domains is displayed.

  2. In the required domain, click Detail view.

  3. Scroll down to the BIMI (Brand  Indicator for  Message Identification point.

  4. Enter your image URL and click Generate DNS entry for BIMI.

  5. Copy the generated DNS entry to the clipboard using the Copy button.

  6. Store the DNS entry from the clipboard with your domain host. Consult with your IT department for assistance.

  • You have queried the DNS entry for your BIMI logo and stored it with your domain host.

The following prerequisites must be met for BIMI:

You can find further information about the BIMI specifications under CSA: What is BIMI? and BIMI Group: All about BIMI.

Which mailbox providers support BIMI? Visit for an overview of mailbox providers that support BIMI now and in the future. BIMI Group regularly updates this overview.

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