Create new users and assign them rights.
Who can create users? You must be an account administrator, to be able to create users.
Step by step
Go to the
"Users" navigation item in the settings.
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Enter an email address and specify the user's language.
Select a role.
Editors have all permissions needed for creating and editing mailings.
Space administrator
Space administrators have all permissions in your space. They are allowed to create events, workflows and mailings.
Account administrator
Account administrators have all permisions in your XCOM account. hey are the only ones that can create users and change critical account settings.
Want to learn more? Got to Roles and rights in detail and find out in detail, which roles contain which permissions.
Select one or more spaces as a working area for your user.
No rights without space selection: If you do not select a space, your user will not be able to work.
You have created a new user.
You will see your new user in the overview table.
Your user will receive an email with their personal access data.
Reset password
Click the edit icon in the overview table.Then click "Reset password". Your user will receive an email with a password reset link.
Your users can also change their password on their own.