Setting up anonymised or person-based tracking


You have the Account administrator user role.

Step by step

To specify the tracking type for a workspace, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Settings menu item in the navigation bar.

    The functional areas for which you can specify settings are displayed in the selection bar.

    Note: The selection of functional areas displayed will depend on your user role.

  2. Click Tracking.

    You will be directed to the Tracking page.

  3. Click the Anonymised tile to specify anonymised tracking for the workspace.

    Click the Person-based tile to specify person-based tracking for the workspace.

    Note: If you use the ‘Mailing opened?’ workflow element, you must first delete it before you can switch from person-based tracking to anonymised tracking.

  4. Click Save.
  • You have specified the tracking type for a workspace

    Note: Please note that permission-based tracking at event level overrides the tracking settings at workspace level. See the Specifying tracking type section.

Default setting

If you already used Inxmail Commerce prior to 1 April 2018, the default setting for your workspace is Person-based tracking. If you have used Inxmail Commerce only since 1 April 2018, the default setting for your workspace is Anonymised tracking.