Setting up anonymised or person-based tracking
You have the Account administrator user role.
Step by step
To specify the tracking type for a workspace, proceed as follows:
- Select the
The functional areas for which you can specify settings are displayed in the selection bar.
Note: The selection of functional areas displayed will depend on your user role.
menu item in the navigation bar. - Click Tracking.
You will be directed to the Tracking page.
- Click the Anonymised tile to specify anonymised tracking for the workspace.
Click the Person-based tile to specify person-based tracking for the workspace.
Note: If you use the ‘Mailing opened?’ workflow element, you must first delete it before you can switch from person-based tracking to anonymised tracking.
- Click Save.
You have specified the tracking type for a workspace
Note: Please note that permission-based tracking at event level overrides the tracking settings at workspace level. See the Specifying tracking type section.
Default setting
If you already used Inxmail Commerce prior to 1 April 2018, the default setting for your workspace is Person-based tracking. If you have used Inxmail Commerce only since 1 April 2018, the default setting for your workspace is Anonymised tracking.