Important key figures for reports

Apple Mail Privacy Protection: If your recipients have Apple Mail Privacy Protection enabled, the email client will automatically download all the images contained in your mailing (including tracking pixels) after they receive it. Since openings in email marketing can only be recorded indirectly through the mailing images being downloaded, manual openings cannot be recorded if they are opened at a later date.

As of version 4.8.35, Inxmail Professional counts these automatic image downloads as not being opened in the metrics based on openings. For more information, see: Apple Mail Privacy Protection.

This section contains an overview of the most important key figures appearing in the reports.

Note: To determine the opening rate, you need to insert tracked links or images into your mailing (Inserting, tracking, personalising and testing links (general) or Inserting images (HTML mailings only)).

Key figure for report


Number of recipients (gross)

Number of recipients to whom a mailing was sent

Number of recipients (net)

Number of recipients who actually received the mailing (without delivery errors such as hard bounces)


The term ‘bounce’ refers to an error message generated by the mail server in response to a non-deliverable mailing that is sent back to the sender. There are two types of bounces: hard and soft bounces. (For more information, see Bounces and returns.)

Number of opening recipients

Number of recipients who opened a mailing.

Determined by the first unique click or image automatically loaded and tracked in the email.

Number of privacy protected recipients

Number of recipients for whom it is not possible to tell whether and when they opened a mailing.

The reason for this is that the email client of these recipients has already downloaded all images and tracking pixels in the background before a potential manual opening.

For more information, please visit: i Apple Mail Privacy Protection

Open rate (%)

The percentage ratio between opens and emails delivered is referred to as the open rate.

Open rate [%] = Opening recipients / (Total number of recipients – bounces) * 100

Privacy Protection: Inxmail Professional counts openings from privacy protected recipients as not opened.

Percentage of privacy protected recipients

Percentage of recipients for whom it is not possible to tell whether and when they opened a mailing.

The reason for this is that the email client of these recipients has already downloaded all images and tracking pixels in the background before a potential manual opening.

For more information, please visit: i Apple Mail Privacy Protection

Percentage of privacy protected recipients (=number of privacy protected recipients / net recipients)

Total clicks

Specifies the total number of times all links in a mailing were clicked.

Number of clicking recipients

Number of recipients who clicked any link in a mailing

Click rate, click-through rate (CTR) (%)

The percentage ratio between unique clicks and the number of delivered emails is referred to, in email marketing, as the click rate (or click-through rate).

A high click rate is an indicator of highly relevant contents for the recipients, as well as appealing and explicit call-to-action elements.

Click rate [%] = Clicking recipients / (Total number of sent emails – bounces) * 100

Click-to-open rate (CTOR) (%)

The click-to-open rate (CTOR) is the ratio of clicks to opens as a percentage.

A high click-to-open rate is an indicator of the relevance of newsletter contents, the graphic design and the placement of call-to-action elements (CTAs).

Click-to-open rate [%] = Clicking recipients / Opening recipients * 100

Privacy Protection: Inxmail Professional counts openings from privacy protected recipients as not opened.

All clicks

Total number of clicks of the tracked link, including multiple clicks

Unique clicks

Number of recipients who clicked the tracked link at least once

All graphic call-ups

Total number of images loaded automatically when mailing is opened

Unique graphic call-ups

Number of recipients where an image has been loaded at least once on opening an email

Click-through rate (CTR) (%) related to graphic call-ups

Unique graphic call-ups/Number of net recipients


Click of a tracked link and/or automatic graphic call-up when opening the mailing

Click reaction (%)

Unique clicks or graphic call-ups/Number of net recipients

Number of unsubscribe clicks (of this, how many via list-unsubscribe)

Number of unique clicks of an unsubscribe link (of this, how many unsubscriptions were carried out via a list-unsubscribe header)

Unsubscribe rate (%)

Number of unsubscribe clicks/Number of net recipients

Initial reaction

Number of mailing openings within a particular time period

Initial reaction rate

Number of mailing openings within a particular time period/Total number of openings (indicates when 100 per cent of the total openings took place)