Add new webspace
Typically, you hire Inxmail to set up a new web space (inxshare) for you.
Alternatively, you can also use your own web space in Inxmail Professional.

There are two types of web spaces that are relevant in Inxmail Professional:
Simple web spaces (= WebDAV, FTPS):
Use simple WebDAV or FTPS type web spaces to manage your images and mailing attachments in the
Files & Websites agent. With these web spaces, only the control channel that you use to operate the web space is encrypted.
The actual data that you upload to the web space, such as files and images are not encrypted. This is not a problem if used as intended: after all, web spaces in the
Files & Websites agent are only for uploading images and .pdf attachments for your mailings, which can be publicly accessible.
The web spaces that Inxmail sets up for you are also simple WebDAV or FTPS web spaces.
Do not upload personal data to simple web spaces: The data channel of Inxmail web spaces and other WebDAV or FTPS web spaces is not encrypted. Only upload non-critical data to the web space such as images and .pdf attachments for your newsletters.
Secure Webspaces (= SFTP):
Secure / SFTP web spaces are used in Inxmail Professional in combination with Import Automation only They may contain sensitive data such as personal recipient information because with SFTP webspaces, the data channel is encrypted in addition to the control channel. Learn more about setting up secure webspaces as import sources for Import Automation.
Do not use secure web spaces in the
Files & Websites agent: In the
Files & Websites agent, you can only use simple web spaces (WebDAV or FTPS), because the data channel must be unencrypted.
Step by step
To open the Set up new webspace dialog box, click the
(Add new webspace) button on the
(Global settings) tab >
Files & web pages agent > Webspaces tab.
A dialog box appears.
Set up the webspace in the dialog box using the relevant fields.
Field descriptions
Webspace name
Note: If you do not enter a name, Inxmail Professional will automatically use the host name as the webspace name.
The protocol used when uploading files to/downloading files from the webspace
(Mandatory field) Host field: host of the webspace
Port field: port of the webspace
Note: You only need to enter a port if you are not using a standard port.
Webspace path which authorised users can access (that is, either the entire webspace or only a directory of the webspace)
- Entire webspace: ‘/’
- A particular directory: ‘/pics’
The webspace files are publicly accessible via the Internet
Select the check box if you want users to be able to reference images stored on the webspace in their mailings. Enter in addition the web address of the webspace (for these linked images can only be displayed in the recipients' web browser if the check box is selected).
Configure user name and password for all users
If you would like all authorised users to be automatically logged in when they access the webspace (that is, no password query appears when the webspace is accessed), select the check box and enter the user name and password for the webspace.
If the check box is disabled, users must always log in with the user name and password for the webspace.
- Confirm your entries by clicking OK.
- The webspace appears in the table. Authorised users can now use the webspace.
Additional information
You can select a created webspace in the table and then:
- edit it using the
(Edit) button.
- make a copy using the
(Copy) and
(Paste) buttons.
- delete it using the
(Delete) button.
- The webspace is deleted from Inxmail Professional. However, the uploaded data will remain on the webspace.