Creating (standard) mailing lists

Step by step

To create a new mailing list, proceed as follows:

  1. On the (Cockpit) main tab, Quick start entry, click the New list button.


    On the (Cockpit) main tab, List overview entry, click the (Create new list) button.

    A dialog box appears.

  2. Specify your settings in the fields.
  3. Click Next.

    A dialog box appears.

  4. In the dialog box, enable the agents that you wish to add to the mailing list.

    Description of the agents

    • A description of the individual agents can be found on the right-hand side of the dialog box. To see the description, click the name of the agent on the left-hand side of the dialog box.
    • When a mailing list is created, the Mailings, Split tests, Recipients, Subscriptions and Properties agents are always present by default. For this reason, these agents cannot be activated or deactivated in the dialog box.
  5. Click Finish.

  • The newly created mailing list is opened on a tab. It is also added to the list overview.