Create public and private key with PUTTYgen (Import Automation)

Note: These instructions refer exclusively to generating and using public and private SSH keys for Import Automation.

Step by step

  1. Download the PuTTYgen software from and install it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

  2. Start PuTTYgen.

    Do not mix up: Make sure that you actually open PuTTYgen, not another software such as PuTTY or PuTTYtel.

  3. Make sure to enable the ECDSA option and select nistp256 as Curve to use for generating this key.

  4. Click Generate.

  5. Continue moving the mouse on the free area until the key pair is created.

  6. Click Save private key.

  7. Store the private key in a secure location.

    Always keep your private key secret: In general, private keys must not be passed on for security reasons - not even to Inxmail employees.

  8. Use in Inxmail Professional

    1. To configure your Import Automation source, you must export the private key as an OpenSSH key.

    2. Save the OpenSSH key (without specifying a file extension).

    3. Later, you can open the private key in a text editor, copy it to the clipboard, and use it to configure your Import Automation source.

      Note: Copy the complete text - including the first and last line. Do not use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A for copying, to make sure that you do not copy spaces.

  • You have created an SSH key pair (public + private key) with PuTTYgen.

Next steps