Mailing dispatch and bounces

Stopping mail dispatch

Dispatch only possible with authenticated domain: By the end of 2022, you must have authenticated your sending domain(s) using one of the three implementation scenarios in the Brand Identity Protection agent. After this date, dispatch will only possible using authenticated domains. Also, make sure that you use dynamic websites with authenticated domains only.

Mailing dispatch will be stopped in the following cases:

  • Your domain is not authenticated: If your domain is not stored and authenticated in the Brand Identity Protection agent, your mailings will not be sent.

  • DMARC check was not successful: In the unlikely event that the DMARC check is not successful, Inxmail Professional will stop the mailing. Mailings that do not pass the DMARC check will not be sent.

View bounces

After setting up the Brand Identity Protection agent, bounces will (still) be displayed in the Inbox & Bounces agent in Inxmail Professional.

Receive responses in the Inbox & bounces agent: If you want not only bounces but also regular replies to your mailing to be displayed in the Inbox & bounces agent in Inxmail Professional, contact your Inxmail contact person or .

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