Manually resubscribing recipients
Important: Ensure that recipients who have explicitly unsubscribed from a list are not resubscribed to the list without their consent. You may only send a mailing to recipients who have given their consent to receive the mailing.
Step by step
- Open the recipients table of the corresponding mailing list.
- On the Unsubscribed tab, hold down the CTRL key and select the recipients you wish to subscribe in the recipient table.
Click the
(Edit recipient) button and select Resubscribe recipient.
A dialog box appears.
- In the dialog box, specify whether the original subscription date (that is, the date on which the individual recipients originally subscribed to the mailing list) or the current date should be copied to the Subscription date <Name of mailing list> system column.
- Click Yes to confirm the resubscription.
- The recipients will be resubscribed to the mailing list and moved to the recipient table on the Subscribed tab.
Note: When recipients are unsubscribed and resubscribed, the value of the Tracking permission column is reset to the default value No.
No means: You do not have consent to person-based tracking for this recipient and the current list.
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