As of 25 May 2018, application of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is mandatory in all EU member states. In your capacity as an email marketer or Inxmail Professional user, you process your recipients’ personal data, which means that you need to uphold the corresponding GDPR provisions.
To facilitate compliance with the GDPR, Inxmail provides a number of documents in the following sections. These do not have to be read in the order given here. Rather, each document provides its own point of entry to the subject. Check for yourself which is the best way for you to gain an introduction to the GDPR and its implementation in Inxmail Professional. All documents are interlinked. Sections that cover associated subjects in other documents are therefore referenced.
The GDPR Checklist and the GDPR Guide can also be downloaded in PDF format.
GDPR Navigator
The GDPR Navigator initially provides a graphical introduction to GDPR. Here you can check which of the three ‘GDPR scenarios’ applies to you. From the graphic, you can then either familiarise yourself with the relevant scenarios within the Navigator or jump to the corresponding scenario in the GDPR Checklist.
GDPR Checklist
The GDPR Checklist likewise provides an overview of the three ‘GDPR scenarios’. For each scenario you will find a checklist for all the settings you have to configure in Inxmail Professional so as be GDPR-compliant.
GDPR Guide
The GDPR Guide initially provides general information on GDPR. Then the concepts that arise in Inxmail Professional in connection with GDPR are explained. These include, for example, the different link types in Inxmail Professional. There is then a detailed overview of the functional areas in Inxmail Professional, which are relevant for being GDPR-compliant when working with Inxmail Professional.
Data storage and deletion mechanisms
The following document gives you an overview of data storage and deletion mechanisms in Inxmail Professional: Data storage and deletion mechanisms.