Displaying and filtering bounces

Step by step

  1. Click the (Global settings) tab > Inbox & bounces agent > Bounces tab.

    All the bounces received after your mailing has been dispatched appear in the table. The following information is displayed for each bounce:

    • Category: Inxmail Professional automatically assigns each bounce to a category (soft and hard bounces, unknown bounces, spam bounces and autoresponder bounces)
    • Recipient to whom the mailing was sent
    • Sender and subject of the bounce
    • Date on which the bounce was received by Inxmail Professional
    • Size of the bounce email

    Further information is displayed below the table (for example, header information such as the corresponding list or mailing) when you select a bounce in the table.

  2. Click the Filter button to filter the bounces displayed in the table.

    The filter section opens.

    You can set one or more of the following filters:

    • Filter bounces by date (the table should only display bounces that occurred in the last ‘X’ days or in a particular time period).
    • Filter bounces by category (the table should only display bounces in a particular category, for example, hard bounces).
    • Filter bounces by list or mailing (the table should only display bounces that occurred for a specific mailing list or for a particular mailing in the mailing list).

    Important: Ensure that you have activated the VERP function so that your bounces can be split up according to your mailing lists. Contact your Inxmail Professional administrator.

  3. Click Apply filter to apply your filter settings.
  • The table now contains only the bounces that match your filter settings.