Setting up automated management
Step by step
Click the
(Global settings) tab >
Inbox & bounces agent > Categories tab.
The following table shows all the categories to which Inxmail Professional can assign bounces and returns.
Emails that have been dispatched to you and that contain spam characteristics are assigned to this category.
Automatically generated reply emails are assigned to this category (for example, automatically generated away notes). Your mailing is received by the recipient in this case.
Reply emails that contain a complaint or a threat are assigned to this category.
Reply emails that can neither be assigned to the ‘complaint’ nor the ‘autoresponder’ category are assigned to this category.
Spam (bounce)
Emails that have been sent to your bounce account and that contain spam characteristics are assigned to this category.
Hard bounce
If an email could not be dispatched to a recipient because of a permanent error (for example, email address is incorrect or email account has been terminated), Inxmail Professional generates a hard bounce entry.
Soft bounce
If an email could not be dispatched to a recipient because of a temporary error (for example, the target mail server could not be reached because the recipient's email inbox is full), Inxmail Professional generates a soft bounce entry. The email is delivered as soon as the temporary error has been rectified.
Unknown bounce
All bounces that cannot be assigned to any other category are assigned to this category.
Autoresponder bounce
Autoresponders that have been sent from a mail server as a bounce instead of a return are assigned to this category.
You can specify that Inxmail Professional should automatically delete all emails assigned to a particular category after receipt. To do this, select the check box for the relevant category in the Delete email table column.
For example, you can activate this function for the ‘spam’, ‘autoresponder’, ‘spam (bounce)’, ‘soft bounce’, ‘unknown bounce’ and ‘autoresponder bounce’ categories.
Note: Inxmail Professional automatically deletes bounces after 24 months.
You can specify that Inxmail Professional should automatically forward all emails assigned to a particular category. For the relevant category, enter the email address to which these emails are to be forwarded in the Forward to table column.
Note: If you have selected the check box in the Delete email table column and have also specified a forwarding email in the Forward to table column, Inxmail Professional first forwards the email and then deletes it from the table.
For example, you can forward emails in the ‘reply’ or ‘complaint’ category to support staff who can then provide further assistance to customers.
- Save your entries.
- You have now set up automated bounce and return processing.
Additional information
In addition to setting up automated processing, you can also define action sequences that are triggered when bounces and returns are received. For further information, see Action sequences.