Adding age information in a birthday mailing

You can integrate the age of the recipient into the content of the mailing. The system calculates the corresponding age information from the difference between the current year and the year saved in the date of birth column.

Step by step

  1. Open the birthday mailing in the Editing workflow step.
  2. Click the position in your mailing where you would like to insert the age information.
  3. Click the Insert commands button and select Add age on birthday.
  4. The [%=Age()] command is added in the mailing text.
  5. Save your entries.
  • You have now inserted age information into a birthday mailing.

Additional information

Entering the age as an ordinal number

If you would like the birthday to be stated as an ordinal number, that is, with ‘th’ (or ‘st’, ‘nd’ or ‘rd’ as the case may be) after the number stating the age, you must enter this after the square brackets.

Enter in the editing area: Happy [%=Age()]th Birthday!

Display in the mailing: Happy 40th Birthday!