Domain reputation

Use the "Domain reputation" navigation item to get an overview of how mailbox providers and anti-spam organizations such as the CSA rate your domain(s) from a spam point of view.

Where does the data come from? Inxmail obtains the data in the navigation point "Domain reputation" directly from the CSA ().

Step by step

  1. Open the "Domain reputation" navigation item.

  2. You can currently view the following two key figures in the navigation point "Domain reputation":

    • Spam Complaint Rate (SCR):

      The spam complaint rate indicates how many of your mailings were marked as spam - in relation to the total mailing volume for which the CSA has received feedback from the mailbox providers. This key figure refers to emails that recipients have explicitly marked as spam. Spam classifications by mailbox providers are not part of this rate.

      CSA-certified senders may not exceed an average value of 0.3 percent over a period of 7 days.

      Spam traps:

      The "Spam traps" key figure summarizes all spam trap hits from mailbox providers and anti-spam service providers. (Spam traps are email addresses that have been created on purpose – or inactive addresses, for which no consent to receive newsletters has been given). The CSA does not receive any further details or email addresses. The figure does not differentiate between pristine or recycled spam traps.

  3. In the standard view, you can see the values for the two key figures aggregated across all your domains. Select a specific domain if you want to see spam complaint rates and spam traps for a specific domain only:

  4. Detailed view

    Click on a point in the diagram or switch to the "Detailed view" tab to view the spam complaint rate and spam traps on a daily basis. Select a domain to see specific recommendations on how you can improve the reputation of your domain:

  • You have gained an overview of your domain reputation.